HTTP monitors


Table of contents
  1. Overview
  2. Status history
  3. Periods and root cause analyses
  4. Uptime
  5. Response times
  6. Response time distribution
    1. Root cause analyses
  7. Check results

HTTP monitor reports enable you to see historical analytics about the monitored services.

Here are the parts of the HTTP monitor reports:


Overview is the part you can see at the top of the HTTP monitor reports page. It provides a quick summary of the monitor and its report for the selected time window at a glimpse.

HTTP monitor reports overview

Status history

Status history provides a status timeline chart for the periods in the selected time window. To see details for a period, you can hover your cursor (or tap on mobile) on the relevant area.

HTTP monitor reports status history

Periods and root cause analyses

Periods table show the list of extents of time for all status updates for the selected time window.



Uptime graph shows the uptime percentage values for selected time window.


Response times

Response times graph shows how long each stage of the request (name lookup, connect, TLS handshake, pre-transfer (wait), first byte) took, aggregated for the selected time window.

Response times

Detailed response times feature is available for Basic, Pro, and Business plans. See pricing.

Response time distribution

Response time distribution is the histogram for total response times for the selected time window. In addition to averages on the response times, this graph gives you an idea about the variance.

Response time distribution

Root cause analyses

When a downtime is detected, WebGazer collects information that is useful for identifying the issue, and provides that information as a root cause analysis. For details, please see here.

Check results

Results table show each individual check with its date and time, response status code and total response time (if available). The results are paginated, you can click the Previous button to see older checks.
